Community Update #3

2 min readMay 15, 2021


Welcome, Lysters, Reactors, or Re-Agents! We will post a poll on Discord to determine what we call our community members.

We are happy to see the positive response to our new branding, although we have to admit we overlooked the Porygon-similarity until you guys pointed it out. Call it a happy coincidence.

We have a big week ahead of us!

MVP: In the near future, we will be launching our MVP on ETH testnet with tutorials on how to use the entire platform; we encourage community members to go in and explore!

Website: With our brand identity complete, we are in the process of getting the landing page designed. In the meantime, we will be releasing our gitbook next week where you will be able to read the full documentation on how our protocol will work.

Tokenomics: We will be releasing our initial tokenomics next week as well; these are subject to change depending on advice from our eventual advisors/investors and our community. We are still analyzing all the potential situations and how tokenomics can be optimized.

Community Engagement:
We now have over 800 community members, and Medium article reads have surpassed 1500. It’s been great to see conversation forming in our chats, and we hope to get more people engaged. We are currently working on our community incentives program to release more details in the following week.

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A Liquidity Protocol enabling price exposure to the NFT market via synthetic derivatives.